It’s the circle of life; everything must eventually come to an end. Sadly, this means your home’s roof too. If you’ve recently had a roof installed or are looking to get a new one, you’re probably wondering just how long that new roof will last. The answer to that question isn’t simple. The average lifespan of a roof depends on the material type used and where your house is located. Eager to find out how long it will...Continue Reading
When you notice a random paint bubble or a dark spot on your ceiling, your roof most likely has a leak. Roof leaks can cause a LOT of damage if they aren’t fixed quickly. What seems to be “just a spot” cannot just “get fixed later.” Here’s what you need to do when you first notice a roof leak to get it fixed and prevent future leaks. Continue Reading
It may be easy to blame roof damage on the weather. However, there are plenty of other culprits. Poor attic ventilation, critters, installation errors, improper maintenance, and cracking shingles can all damage your roof so bad that your roof will need to be replaced. If you get routine roof inspections from Arnett, we will check your roof for these other issues to see if you need a roof replacement.Continue Reading
From wind, storms, rain, hail and Father Time, roofs take a beating. A 20+-year-old roof degrades over time and cannot protect your home as well as it once did. Many insurance companies will not cover an old roof for this very reason – it’s simply too risky. Here’s a look into why old roofs may become a problem for you.Continue Reading
With the low temperatures and snow in the winter, most people put off any and all home maintenance tasks, especially the ones outside. The only problem? Small problems with your roof, siding, and windows often rear their ugly head in the winter and can cause massive repair bills.Continue Reading