Buying a home can be extremely stressful and will most likely be your most significant financial decision. When the market is hot, you may be tempted to remove conditions like a roof inspection from your offer so that your bid wins. However, home inspectors often find dozens of things wrong with the roof during inspection, so skipping this step could hurt you in the long run. An inspection provides vital information about the home’s value and ensures that...Continue Reading
A roof in need of repair can look spooky and cause scary problems. As the weather grows colder, these problems will worsen if left untreated. October is the perfect time to schedule a roof inspection if you have not already! Fall and winter can bring a mixture of humidity, rain, ice, snow, and high winds that wreak havoc on your home. Unless you decorate your roof with spooky decorations, it should have no part being the scariest part...Continue Reading
Do you know what’s even scarier than a spooky house on Halloween? It’s getting injured while decorating. If you’re planning on sprucing up your home this All Hallows Eve, it is essential to take the proper precautions. Studies have shown that, on average, there are around 160 decorating-related injuries each day during the holiday season, and almost half involve falls. Continue reading to learn tips on decorating your roof spookily and safely! Work With a Partner When decorating...Continue Reading
As a homeowner, you may spot a leak and automatically think your roof needs to be replaced. Thankfully, that’s not always the case! Have you spotted any shingles lying around your yard or noticed water spots in your home? The solutions to these issues may vary depending on the level of damage, but most of the time, your roof can be repaired. How do you know if your home needs a repair or a total replacement? This blog...Continue Reading
Installing a roof is a significant investment and often takes careful consideration to make the decision. Choosing roof materials for your home is an exciting task, but it is equally vital to ensure that your home can last for decades. Your roof is in charge of keeping your family safe and secure while having the potential to boost curb appeal! Here are the pros and cons of the four most common roofing materials when choosing your home. Asphalt...Continue Reading