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FREEZE! Tips For A Repair-Free Winter

With the low temperatures and snow in the winter, most people put off any and all home maintenance tasks, especially the ones outside. The only problem? Small problems with your roof, siding, and windows often rear their ugly head in the winter and can cause massive repair bills.

Top Tips for a Repair-Free Winter!

Freezing temperatures, ice, and snow can cause your roof’s shingles and siding to expand and contract. Any existing damage is likely to get worse. In addition, colder temperatures outside can expose air leaks in your windows cursing more strain on your heating system and energy bills. 

The good news is that you can prevent all of these scenarios (and costly repair bills!) by doing a few home maintenance tasks! Read on to learn what to do for your home this month. 


Inspect Your Siding 

It’s always a good idea to walk around your entire home and visually inspect your home for cracks or holes that might need repair. Fixing small problems early can stop pests and rodents from entering your home to escape the winter cold. 


Check Your Furnace/Heating System 

Have a licensed HVAC professional inspect your furnace to check for leaks, heating efficiency, and change the filter. If there is a problem, better to find out now rather than when it goes out in the dead of winter and emergency charges apply.


Clean Your Gutters 

Check that gutters and downspouts are clear of obstructions, so they’ll direct water away from the foundation, walkways, and driveways. Clean the gutters of leaves, nests, and debris, so this winter’s snow can drain, and ice can melt properly. If the gutters aren’t clear, the weight from a heavy snowfall or ice storm could tear the gutters right off your home.


Get A Professional Roof Inspection to Check for Repairs

Most of the damage done to a roof happens in the summer months and it is often hard to see from the ground level of your home. This is why a professional roof inspection now is so important! In less than an hour, you can get peace of mind from a trained roofing expert on the condition of your home, how much life is left in your roof, and most importantly if there is any existing damage. 

Did you know our roof inspections are FREE? If it’s been longer than 12 months since you have had a professional inspection, or if your home was hit by storms this summer, get in touch with us today and make sure your roof is in tip-top shape! 


Drain Your Sprinkler 

If your sprinkler system is still active during winter, the line may freeze, and a pipe could burst. This could cause expensive problems later. 

Make sure the ground slopes away from your house to help drain water away from the foundation. Apply fall fertilizer to prevent winter damage and spring weeds. (This is also the best time to plant bulbs for Spring!) And, depending on where you live, consider spraying the foundation to help contain pests.

We know that sudden and unplanned home repairs can be stressful! Should you find yourself with a roof or exterior problem, we can help. Get in touch with our expert team today to learn more about our free roof inspections and how we can keep your home safe in any season!

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