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Are you Accidentally Harming Your Roof?

harming roof

Except for storm damage, regular roof maintenance is easy. You schedule your yearly inspection, we come out and fix a couple of shingles here and there, and “See you next year!” However, there are a couple of things that could be harming your roof without you even knowing. Here are eight things you should be doing to prevent accidental harm to your roof!

Prevent Excess Humidity Inside the Home

If your insulation is uneven or even a little dated, humidity within your home can become a problem in the winter. The warm, humid air from your home rises into the attic, where it can create condensation. Water plus wood never equals anything good!

  • Make sure your bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans are directing air to the outside of your home and NOT to your attic.
  • Use the exhaust fans while cooking and while taking baths and showers to make sure you’re not accidentally building up moisture in your home.
  • Don’t run humidifiers and diffusers 24/7, as that will also impact your home’s humidity.

Learn more about preventing attic condensation here.

Mind What Goes on Your Roof

Whether it’s Christmas decorations, twinkly lights, or something more practical like satellite dishes and solar panels, be super careful about what goes on your roof. Make sure you’re using roof and gutter safe hooks for lights and that you’re not putting too much weight on shingles, especially on an older roof. Hire licensed professionals to install satellite dishes and solar panels to ensure those additions won’t damage one of your most significant investments!

Tidy Up Your Landscaping

If you’re not mindful of your landscaping, tree branches hanging over your roof could mean three things.

  1. In the event of a storm or even just strong wind, branches could break off and impact your shingles.
  2. Leaves falling from the branches can end up clogging your gutters.
  3. Algae and moss might transfer from the tree to your roof and begin growing there.
    • Algae typically won’t harm your roof but can impact your curb appeal.
    • Moss, however, can cover your roof in damp patches and cause deterioration.

AVOID the Pressure Washer

Pressure washers force granular loss in your shingles. Using one will also void any manufacturer warranties right off the bat, even if only done once. If you’re trying to get rid of algae or moss growth, contact a professional for safe cleaning.

Clean Out Clogged Gutters

It’s a pain – we know. But cleaning out your clogged gutters prevents water from backing up into your shingles. The excess moisture can mean mold, and worst-case full-on water damage, to your roof!

Say NO to DIY Icicle/Snow Removal

First off, icicles are a sign of ice dams which are caused by a lack of insulation in your attic. If you see these around your home, please contact a professional. Attempting to remove them yourself could harm you and/or your shingles – plus, it doesn’t solve the underlying issue. 

Heavy snow can weigh down on your roof, but trying to remove it yourself is NOT safe. You risk scratching or accidentally lifting shingles, which would leave your roof vulnerable to water damage.

harming roof

Discourage Small Critters

Make sure you’re taking steps to prevent small critters from coming near your home. Raccoons like to lift shingles; birds like to poke through shingles and siding, and some even like to burrow inside your attic and walls.

  • Make sure to keep pet food and trash inside at night and to clean your gutters to discourage small animals from exploring around your home.
  • Keep an eye out for raccoon tracks or nests and call pest control as soon as you see signs of animals in your home.

Don’t Miss Your Yearly Inspections

It may seem like a hassle, but getting regular inspections helps you catch minor repairs before they turn into giant projects. Replacing a few shingles here and there might run you $200-$300, but replacing your roofing system due to the water damage those cracked shingles allowed will cost you a couple thousand!

**Please do not attempt to inspect your roof yourself. Being up on a roof can be dangerous, and you may end up doing more damage than good. If you have reason to believe your roof is damaged or that you may have a leak, please contact an experienced, licensed professional. Plus, our inspections are free, so why take on the work yourself?

If you haven’t yet scheduled your yearly inspection, take a minute to do so now! We are licensed, bonded, and insured and have been working in Indiana for over 22 years.

Schedule your free inspection by calling 855-369-1004 or by filling out an online form.

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