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Why Call A Roofer Before Your Insurance Company?

It’s a familiar story during the spring and summer storm season: a hail storm hits, your roof endures damage, then you call your insurance company to file a claim. But is that chain of events the best way to handle the situation? Not necessarily. Here are just a few reasons to call for a roof inspection first before you call your insurance company.

1.A Roof Inspection Provides An Expert Analysis

While insurance adjusters are insurance experts, they are not roofing experts. With that said, your insurance adjuster may not be familiar with all types of roofing materials, what to look for when it comes to damage and what the best options for repair are – but a professional roofing contractor will.  Asking your insurance adjuster for a roof inspection after a hail storm is similar to going to the dentist when you are sick with the flu.

2. A Roof Inspection Will Determine If Filing A Claim Worth It

In some circumstances, filing an insurance claim may not even be worth it. But how would you know if that’s the case if you don’t know how much the cost of repair and replacement is? Allowing a roofing contractor to assess the damage before a claim is filed will give you a more accurate idea about whether filing a claim is even worthwhile. Inappropriately filing a claim can cause your insurance rates to go up and can actually cost you more in the long run.

3. A Roof Inspection Will Help You Avoid Traps 

It’s illegal for a property owner to deceive an insurance company and profit from a claim. By getting an inspection beforehand, property owners can be sure that their roofing problems were indeed the result of the storm and not an already present, underlying issue that perhaps isn’t covered.


While it might be natural to want to call your insurance agent and file a claim following wind, hail or storm damage, that might not always be the best thing to do. Call an experienced contractor first to inspect your roof – and you’ll walk away with much better results in the long term.

Ready to get started? Contact Arnett Construction today for a free, no-obligation inspection.


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